Thursday, May 6, 2010

Thirty Years Later...

I left home for the first time as a 17-year-old California girl and headed to Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah. I could not have been more excited to meet new people, experience new things, and embark on this new adventure called "college life". I had no idea that 30 years later I would still be great friends with some of the girls I met in those freshman dorms. Here I am with my favorite BYU roommates at our recent "Roomie Reunion". We had a fabulous time in Myrtle Beach at Lori's luxurious condominium. We talked and laughed all hours of the night like young college girls do...even though most of us now have children older than we were then. It's strange...and wonderful... how we pick up right where we left if no time has passed. Our last little retreat was a ski vacation to Kelly's mountain-home condo in Keystone, Colorado. Next year, the plan is Lisa's houseboat on Lake Powell. All I have to say is, don't be disappointed when it's my turn to host and we all hang out at my humble home in Olathe, Kansas. :/


  1. Connie! I meant to tell you I drove from TN to Provo a couple weeks ago & totally drove through Olathe! Well, actually passed the interstate sign :) It was still really beautiful & green there, past Missouri though...ew, gross scenery! & I saw that adorable picture on facebook & I stayed at that place with my family for a week last summer! It looks like yall had such a fun little retreat, & I love that yall still get together. I hope me & all my college friends will stay that tight!

  2. it'd be so fun to see a picture of yall from your college years too!

  3. How wonderful! And fortunate that you have stayed in touch. I recently joined Facebook in hopes of finding my old roommates from a small Community College (Vincennes University). I have reconnected with two college buddy & have remained close to another over these past 30 years. Unfortunately, I ran out of money and never finished college. Although I am not Mormon, my Sis was for several years. She attended one semester at BYU (also ran out of money, and did not finish college). Julie (Meyer) Reed, was there her Sophomore year, Fall 1980, I don't know what dorm she was in but had an amazing roomate from Japan. I believe her name was Kowota.
    How blessed you are to stay tight with your girlfriends! I cherish my Lifers, and pray that my daughters (both now in college) will stay close to they sweet Lifers too!
