Thursday, May 26, 2011
Missionary Farewell
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Jessie's High School Graduation
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Sunday, May 1, 2011
May Visiting Teaching Gift
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Get off your keister; it's time for EASTER!
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Two weeks and a day
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Visiting Teaching Conference
RELIEF SOCIETY PRESIDENT - Welcome to our Visiting Teaching Conference. We are so grateful to have all of you here today. This is an annual event for all the sisters in our entire Relief Society. For the past couple of years, we have made an effort to present a very spiritual program...blah, blah, blah
Seven "ANTS" enter the room marching and singing. They’re wearing all black clothing and black antennas. They march to the front and sit down holding their poster board sign. (For the seven ants, we used the remaining members of our RS Presidency and our Visiting Teaching Supervisors.)
The Ants go marching two by two horrah, horrah
The Ants go marching two by two horrah, horrah
The Ants go marching two by two ‘cause that’s what Visiting Teachers do.
And we all go marching out, to the homes, of the sisters, that we love
Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom
The ants go marching two by two horrah, horrah…
(repeat as long as needed then fade out)
This is a photo of some of our "ANT" signs. I just printed them on standard 8 1/2 x 11 paper from the computer and then glue-sticked them to card stock. We glued the song lyrics, speaking parts, and quotes to the back just in case we needed reminders.
Story told by Relief Society President:
There once was a community of ants, and within that community was an LDS ward of ants, and within that ward, was a RELIEF SOCIETY of ants, and in that Relief Society were seven sister ants named:
1. “Persist-Ant” (Persist-Ant stands up, holds her sign and says “I never give up!”)
2 “Observ-Ant” (Observ-Ant stands, holds up her sign and says “ I always notice what my sisters need.”)
3. “Pleas-Ant” (Pleas-Ant stands up, holds her sign and says “I just love Visiting Teaching. I so enjoy being around the other sisters!”
4. “Dilig-Ant” (Dilig-Ant stands up, holds her sign and says, “I take my assignment very seriously. I read the lesson on the first of every month so I have lots of time to ponder it. I also have a standing appointment with my sisters.”
5. “Obedi-Ant” (Obedi-Ant stands up, holds her sign and says, “We just do our Visiting Teaching every month no matter what because that’s what we’re supposed to do.”
6 “Serv-Ant.” (Serv-Ant stands up, holds her sign and says, “I love to serve the women in the ward. Christ said, ‘When ye have done it unto the least of these…ye have done it unto me. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for my Savior.”
7. “Ignor-Ant” (Ignor-Ant just sits there clueless in a daydream.) Relief Society President repeats, “IGNOR ANT!” “What?
Every month the sister ants would march out of their ant hill two by two to go to Visiting Teaching. You could always tell who was who even though they looked very much alike. (Each ant stands and acts her part in turn.)
Persist-Ant was always the first to get her visiting teaching done. She wasn’t easily discouraged when plans fell through. She would reschedule, send a note, make a phone call, or even drop by with a home baked treat just so her sister’s knew they were loved. Persist Ant never gave up on her sisters, even if they weren’t easy to get in touch with.
Observ-Ant was very aware of the needs of her sisters. She could tell when they needed an extra hug or phone call. She noticed when they weren’t at church and always let them know that they were missed. Observ-ant noticed details and it enabled her to better love those she served.
Pleas-Ant was easy to pick out. She always wore a big bright smile. Everybody knew and liked Pleas Ant because she was so fun to be around. Her sisters looked forward to her visits because they knew how pleasant she was…always leaving them in a better mood.
Dilig-Ant was so effective in her assignment., she worked harder than anyone! She was so diligent that she not only read the Visiting Teaching message, she would read the whole Ensign. No matter what assignment she was given, she always did a good job.
Obedi-Ant lived the gospel. She was a wonderful example because she applied the gospel teachings and actually practiced what she preached. Her example of obedience was an inspiration to the sisters she visited.
Serv-Ant was often quiet but always doing something for others. She would help with housework, offer rides to the doctor, volunteer to watch little ones, read to the elderly, and more. Serv-Ant never wanted to be thanked or repaid for anything she did. She truly enjoyed serving others. When others would ask why she was so happy, she told them it was because helping others made her happy.
Finally, there was ignorant. She didn’t have a clue. “What?”
Sisters, this is just a cute fictional story. Even so, I’m sure we each see a little bit of ourselves in every one of these examples. I want to complim-ANT all of you who are already doing an excell-ANT job in your assignm-ANT. Please remember that as a Visiting Teacher, you are "Import-Ant' (hold up sign). Today, you may want to ask yourself which kind of ANT are you. Maybe you are a combination of several of these. Most importantly, what kind of ANT do you want to BECOME?
(Each ant stands as her name and description are given. Then she reads her quote.)
Persist Ant
How many of us have tried many times to reach a sister or to find her at home and then given up when they haven’t been successful a few times? Pray with your companion. Keep making appoints and keep them. Invite the sisters to Relief Society meetings and activities.
“Elder Bruce R. McConkie has so eloquently taught us that service is essential to salvation. I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do. Progress is not created by contented people. It is up to us, you and me, to be uncomfortable in complacency, to refrain from being spectators, and to be players in the game of life. The Lord has chosen His people to perform a mighty work. Our home teaching, our visiting teaching should be more than going; it should be doing with Christian love. It can be done; you can each do your portion of the work because you desire it.” Elder Russell C. Taylor, The Joy of Service, General Conference, October 1984
Observ Ant
We can observe the good in people. We need to look for the best in the sisters we visit teach. We need to see beyond the physical and try to understand her heart. Report any concerns to the Relief Society President.
"It is the individual who is not interested in his fellow men who has the greatest difficulty in life and provides the greatest injury to others. It is from such individuals that all human failures spring." -- Alfred Adler
Pleas Ant
We need to visit teach with the right attitude. It should be an experience we look forward to. Put on a smile when you go to a sister’s home! Remember her birthday and other important events in her life.
"To be successful, it seems to me that a visiting teacher would wish to have high purpose and remember it all the time, would want to have great vision, a terrific enthusiasm that cannot be worn down, a positive attitude, of course, and a great love. . ." Teachings of Spencer W. Kimball page 525
Dilig Ant
As Visiting Teachers we need to fulfill our callings to the best of our abilities. Be sure to give a message each month. We need to get to know the sisters we teach and say hello to them when we see them, sit by them in church and be their friends, not just be a once a month visitor.
“The first-line support to the families in the Church organization is priesthood home teaching and Relief Society visiting teaching. These functions provide two important services. They keep the bishop, the quorum leader, and the Relief Society president adequately informed of the physical, emotional, temporal, and spiritual condition of the membership. They also have teaching opportunities and serve as a resource to provide some of the training to the families as they prepare for self-sufficiency.” Elder L. Tom Perry, The Need to Teach Personal and Family Preparedness, General Conference, April 1981
Obedi Ant
President Brigham Young "All the sacrifice that the Lord asks of his people is strict obedience to our own covenants. Blessed are they who obey when the Lord gives a direct commandment, but more blessed are they who obey without a direct commandment. Do your visiting teaching and report your visits to your district leader.
"I am making a plea for us to reach out to our brethren and sisters who have known the beauty and the wonder of this restored gospel for a brief season and then for some reason have left it.
"May all home teachers recognize that they have an inescapable responsibility to go into the homes of the people and teach them to live the gospel principles more faithfully, to see that there is no iniquity or backbiting or evil speaking, to build faith, to see that the families are getting along temporally. That is a very serious responsibility; it really is. But it is not a heavy burden—it just takes a little more faith. It is worthy of our very best effort." (Instruments of the Lord," Ensign, March 1997.)
Serv Ant
When ye are in the service of your fellow being ye are in the service of your God. We need to go the extra mile when the need arises. Cook a meal, take her children for an afternoon, give comfort when needed. There are so many ways to serve.
“Opportunities to lose oneself for the good of others present themselves daily:… visiting teaching; time for compassionate service; giving comfort to those who need strength; serving with diligence in Church callings;… Truly, the day of sacrifice is not past.” President Ezra Taft Benson, This Is A Day Of Sacrifice, General Conference, April 1979
Ignore Ant
Finally, understand your duties as a visiting teacher. If you have questions, is a great place to turn. You also have a Visiting Teaching supervisor, Visiting Teaching Coordinator, and Relief Society President to turn to. They all want you to succeed
“I don’t know what’s going on.”
We decided to spend the last ten minutes or so as a question/answer period. Here are some of our discussion questions:
1. Is it ever okay to be released from a Visiting Teaching assignment or partnership?
2. Do I always need to bring a gift to my sisters when I visit? What are some thoughtful, inexpensive ideas?
3. How important is it that we share the lesson every month?
4. Should we begin and end our visit with prayer?
5. What if I can't go during the day or night when it's best for one of my sisters?
6. Is it okay to bring young children?
7. How long should we stay?
8. What if my partner can't go?
9. What should I bring?
10. What constitutes a visit? When is it okay to send a letter, e-mail, or phone call?
11. How do I report my Visiting Teaching?
12. What should I do if my partner dominates the entire visit and only talks about herself?
Friday, April 8, 2011
Today & Tomorrow
Today was monumental because I baked 65 cupcakes for the Visiting Teaching Conference on Sunday...and I only burned 12 of them. That definitely earns my stamp! Tomorrow will be monumental because I will ice and decorate all of them. :)